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Gianni Mirone
dipinto di Gianni Mirone LA FOTO
Gianni Mirone dipinto volto di donna
Gianni Mirone dipinto

Gianni Mirone was born in 1969 in Alessandria, Italy, where he currently lives with his family.

Graduated in Chemistry, since 2019 he has been painting, as a hobby and self-taught, mainly using colors taken from wines.

His works reconcile the passion for wine with that of design and the strong bond with the territory, in a romantic tribute to the vineyards of Monferrato & Piemonte.

Portraits, characters and landscapes are revisited with the colors of the different wines used, in the increasingly widespread and detailed search for the correct shade.

The use of a “live” product such as wine, constantly evolving, makes it even more difficult but stimulating to search for the right nuances with this rare painting technique, almost unique on the international scene.


Gianni Mirone , sfumature di vino
Dipinto con vini:
Barbera, Grignolino, Albarossa, Rosè, Pinot Noir


The red color of the wine comes from a series of pigments called anthocyanins. Anthocyanin is present in many other fruits, including plums, blueberries and cherries and also in flowers.

The pigment of red wine comes from the skins of grapes. By soaking the skins in the juice, anthocyanin is released and literally stains the wine.

Different red varieties produce different levels and expressions of this group of pigmented compounds, making the underlying science very complex.




Request contact   

Winepainting69 – Gianni Mirone


Via Giordano Bruno 25, Alessandria, Italy

T. (+39) 338 3617265

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