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Glendavid is a new brand of women’s boots designed by Glen Rossi, an Italian-Scottish designer born in Lugano.


Produced with fine and eco-sustainable materials, the collection presents Beyond Street and Vanity Street; two lines characterized by a marked minimalism where the combinations of leathers give life to the uniqueness of each garment between design and refinement.

Personal tailor objects that are beautiful to see, touch and collect, as well as to wear, in the name of high craftsmanship that sign the essence of a sipped collection with a strictly Made in Italy artisan flavour.

Forged in the footwear districts that guard the secrets of shoe manufacturing, the models are presented with unique and personalized pieces, from ready-to-wear to luxury boots, for a heterogeneous public that loves a new and exclusive style.

A supply chain distant from large numbers, but rather configured for retail production that guarantees its own range of models at all times, from those in the catalogue, to limited edition versions, up to customized pieces where the uniqueness of each individual model signs the signature of this brand which conceived its creation from an idea, with the philosophy according to which creativity must express uniqueness and the material must marry quality in every evolutionary process.

Request contact 

Glenpromotion Sagl

Design, furnishing accessories and fashion

Via Retagn de Sota 46, Camignolo, Svizzera

T. (+41) 76 564 88 26

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