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Giorgio Varani was born in Fidenza, in the province of Parma, in December 1962. He currently lives and works in Salsomaggiore Terme.

He is a sculptor who has been dedicating himself for over 30 years to giving voice to emotions through various materials. After working in different roles across various fields, he opened an art studio with a friend in the mid-1990s, focusing on paintings, murals, waxwork, iron objects, and small sculptures.

Later, he met Hungarian sculptor Balàzs Berzsenyi, who introduced him to a more serious artistic reflection. He began attending the school-workshop in Cornia di Moconesi, in the municipality of Lavagna (Genova), located within slate quarries, while also participating in a series of symposiums. His early training focused primarily on the artistic processing of marble and stone, which remain his preferred materials to this day.

Over time, his studies expanded to include terracotta, wood, iron, bronze, and aluminum, which are often combined in his works. He has always placed great importance on technique, considering it the primary source of inspiration for his creations. His work is a relentless pursuit of new forms, while his pieces explore themes such as love, sacred art, and the dialogue or contrast between opposing elements.

The ongoing exploration of new materials and techniques has led him to define himself as an experimental and versatile artist. «I neither find in my environment nor in heredity the precise tool that shaped me, the anonymous roller that embossed on my life that intricate watermark, whose unique pattern becomes visible when the lamp of art is lit behind the protocol sheet of life». This quote by Vladimir Nabokov, chosen by Giorgio Varani to describe himself, reflects the idea that artistic inspiration is a mysterious and complex process, one that cannot be entirely explained by either external circumstances or heredity.

Giorgio Varani views his experience and creativity as a synthesis of internal and external influences, yet also as something fundamentally inexplicable and unique—a process that unfolds through the act of artistic creation itself.

Request contact  

Giorgio Varani

Artist, Sculptor

Salsomaggiore Terme, Parma (Italy)

T. (0039) 3384642835

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